Oct 16, 2003 15:39
current (and previous) dilemma du jour: do i (1) continue being homeless or (2) get a place. sounds simple in theory, right? i mean, it's not like i don't have the money to throw down and go get a decent place as early as next week, but the situation's slightly more complex than it seems. if i continue my current state of being (which is, let's be honest, transiency) then i should be able to save up enough to move to tallahassee by mid-december. however, that is seriously getting old and i cannot even communicate the stress-level involved. this annoyance could easily be concluded by getting another apartment/house/whatev, in which case, i cannot be sure when i would be able to move (if at all). i'm starting to lean towards staying here and having a garaunteed place to sleep at night. i mean, tally's great and i fucking adore everyone there, but i'm not sure that it's worth what i'm going through right now.
i think i have pretty much just made my own argument for staying. it's retarded of me to put myself through this just so that i can be flighty.
now to find suitable roommates...