Woohoo!! I'm back in action... or non-action O.o.. anyway, here's a long boring synopsis of where I was and what happened...
Friday -
We left Santa Rosa at 12:00pm after eating lunch and spent the entire day driving down there. It was stuffy because I had to sit in the back of the van... and it sorta smells back there, but I like it. If I didn't have my iPod I probably would have killed something. Anyway, I munch banana pocky and was happy. We got to Santa Barbara around 8:00pm and I killed an hour trying to decide what to wear to dinner that night. Then we met Sissy, her bf Ryan, his family and Sissy's friends Becky, Jen and James. We ate at this Benihana's-like place... which is strange cause Sissy usually hates Japanese foods, but it was realy good and yummy :3. I went back to Sissy's apartment with her and her friends while Ryan took my parents and his parents out to this bar called Sharkies (cause there's a Mermaid there sometimes... but she wasn't there that night, so my parents just got really drunk... which is so weird for my parents!) Anyway, so back at the apartment my sister, her friends, her roomates and I were all drinking (my sister made it known to everyone that I had never seriously drank before... everyone rooted for me. I felt special ;) ). We all played Drunken Jenga, which was reeeeally fun. (except they made my moonwalk... but at that point, I was too drunk to care), then we went down to the beach and that was fun, but we came back and my feet were covered with tar :( They still are a little bit. Anyway, by that time it was 3:00am, so I collapsed on their couch and didn't wake up unil 7:30.
Saturday -
When we woke up at 7:30am, my parents called to tell us they were on their way, so Sissy, Becky, Jen and I really had to scramble to clean up the booze. Then my parents picked me up (my sister was going to head to the graduation with her friends after drinking at a bar) and we headed over to UCSB. Parking was easy, but, like always my parents found a way to get lost. We finally ended up in the "Sun Sensitive" Tent, in the very back of the seating, along with the old people and screaming babies. (personally, I wanted to sit in the sun. I needed to tan a little... hell, even burning would have been okay!) The speakers were really good (I liked Patrick Male. He was the student speaker. He'd lost his leg to cancer and gave a really great speech. Jane Woodward was good too.) and then I had to point out to my blind parents (who chose to sit in the back ANYWAY.) that Sissy was being called. After that it wasn't interesting, AND I was horribley hungover (and menstral... for the first time in 5 months! WOOT!!), so I took some cash and went to get cookies for the family. Howeer, I completely missed the "Condiments" stand directly behind us, so I walked about a half a mile to the UCen, to the cafe to get some. They were only $0.60 each (I had a $5) and the lady droppedd one cookie on the counter and gaveit to me for free. By the time I got back the names had finished being called and dad was looking for me (He, unlike me, went directly to the Condiments stand). That tard... I had my cell phone on me. He could have called if he was worried.
Anyway, after that I went home and showered and slept. And then the entire group went to the wharf to eat. The food was really good, especially the dessert called a Chocolate Chip Cookie Monster. It's a 1/2lb cookies (fresh and gooey) covered in ice cream.
Anyway, after that I went home and went to bed. X.X
Sunday -
I woke up early and my Dad and I loaded the car and set off. Mom was going to take Sissy's car... Sissy's going to be in Disneyland until Wednesday. It was relatively boring except for a Stop in King City where I...
a. Set off a car alarm from 20 feet away.
b. got hit on by at least one old man.
c. found out that
squirrelly270's cure-all for cramps really does work.
Then it was back on the road. Dad dropped me off at my Aunt Cathy's house (now we're talking about my real mom and her side of the family) and I totally caught up with everyone. It was great. Man, my mom's side is cool. I got to talk to Nick and Mel (though I was dumb enough to leave my camera in my dad's car... >.>;;) And I got to see my bro ~~ <3 <3! It was great. Nick gave me tips on taking my driver's test too :3. I suppose I needa learn how to drive first. Anyway, we had fish (Again with the fish! that's the third day in a row!) and yummy cake and I got to play with Lily. Mel said my shirt was too revealing and I was giving Lil a bad impression, but I dun care! She's so cute!! (though, it is the truth that I hate that shirt... Did I mention I've been dressing like a total whore since I left my sister's house?) Anyway, I got a huge sunburn (HUGE and BAD!! oh, pain. Weird too cause I rarely burn...), but I'm happy. Around 3:00, Mommy, greg, Pat and I drove home... but we didn't got home just yet! We had to get Pat shoes (like... the fifth pair this year) and new clothes. So he got these really ugly tennis ones (only because I was looking for my own shoes at the time and couldn't help him). Then we went clothes shopping (I helped this time) and got him some cute clothes and got me underwears!!! (as if I didn't feel enough whor-ish) then I made everyone dinner, read Pat a story and put everyone to bed. ^__^ I feel like a good person.
Monday... er Today -
I woke up uuber early to take Pat to school. We dropped him off. I gave him a hug. Then Greg and Mommy took me to Arizmendi for Breakfast (YUM!), bought me a writing pad and saw me off at the Greyhound Station (I wish there had been cooler people on the bus... no one would talk to me ;__;)... and then I arrived here! TA-DA!! The End!!