120 - [Voice]

Sep 05, 2009 16:06

Yukina and Midna have disappeared. I am sure there are others... Rarely do people seem to leave in such small numbers.

And there are those I have not yet spoken to, also. Forgive me. I am Zelda, Lady of the city. If you have need of aught, I will seek to provide it. Notably, shelter. If you do not yet have a suitable place to stay, please let me know. I can find a place for you. Also, if any need healing, I will do what I can.

Those dreams were fell things this time, but I suppose they always are. Regardless, is anywhere still suffering from flood damage from that which came a few weeks ago? We seem to have cleared the worst of it, at least. On that note, it may be prudent if we begin making preparations for the winter. There is already a chill in the air, and I do not doubt that it will come as it did before.

[PRINCE ARTHUR // Unhackable]

Forgive the time it has taken me to respond, your Grace. One of my guard has informed me that you wished to speak with me. How may I serve you?

[HARRY // Unhackable]

How are you settled in now?

[IMPA // Unhackable]

My dreams are dark, Impa. I do not wish to consider what they might mean... I can but hope it is not that which seems obvious.

For once... I would sooner my dread was borne of paranoia, and naught else.

[KONAN // Unhackable]

I should like a chance to speak with you, my lady.

[NAOTO // Unhackable]

Naoto, are you well?

[PRINCE // Unhackable]

You are quiet, my love.

[QUEENSGUARD // Unhackable]

Be on your guard, and take care. I have an ill feeling I... cannot aptly place.

[RIQIS // Unhackable]

How are you doing, Riqis?

[RYU III // Unhackable]

Are you alright, my friend?

[SAKURA // Unhackable]

Sakura, in light of Yukina’s disappearance, would you be willing to take control over the hospital and the medics there?

[VALERIA // Unhackable]

You have been quiet of late, Valeria. What weighs upon your mind?

[ZACK // Unhackable]

I think Sahar could do with a walk, Zack.

queensguard, housing, oh to be as beautiful badass as val, gryffindor ftw, midna is my homegirl, not all dragons are evil, exhibitionist currently known as prince, sir zack needs noogies, queen of world's end, big sheikah nanny, oh to be as beautiful badass as konan, royalty, yukina is my homegirl, sakura not my sakura, introductions, loss, riqis is a good name, healing, oh to be as beautiful badass as naoto, dreaming, winter is coming, never heard of camelot

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