113 - [Voice]

Jul 18, 2009 12:05

I see more newcomers have joined us. I am Zelda, lady of the city, and I will give you whatever aid I can. If you need a place to stay, you can find such with me, or perhaps with Roxas at the Lux. If you are hurt or wounded, myself or my colleagues can heal you. There is no price you need pay for this. If you've questions, I would do my best to ( Read more... )

oh to be as beautiful badass as konan, roxas, yukina is my homegirl, zant is do not want, riku, midna is my homegirl, riqis is a good name

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[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] prayforprey July 18 2009, 15:33:26 UTC
... Direct.

Roxas mentioned we've looked pretty much everywhere except the Temple.


[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] sorighteously July 18 2009, 15:44:38 UTC
Forgive me for that, but where the welfare of others and that... place is concerned, I find it to be for the best.

I see. You have been told of it?


[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] prayforprey July 18 2009, 15:51:51 UTC

I have. We need the Lens, Your ... Highness.


[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] sorighteously July 18 2009, 15:54:26 UTC
Then you shall have it, sir.

And you need only call me Zelda, you know.


[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] prayforprey July 18 2009, 15:56:48 UTC
Can I come by and pick it up then?

... Mm.


[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] sorighteously July 18 2009, 15:58:26 UTC
Of course. You know where to come?


[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] prayforprey July 18 2009, 16:09:27 UTC
I know where your buildings are. But, after that ...


[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] sorighteously July 18 2009, 16:27:25 UTC
In that case, I shall await you outside in the courtyard.


[ Private; UNHACKABLE ] ⇌ [ Comment Log ] prayforprey July 18 2009, 16:34:49 UTC
Sounds good.

[ And so he tucks away his communicator and makes a quick and evasive comment to Sora as he treks out, ignoring the way the boy protests and says he wants to go with him. He really shouldn't leave him behind, but so many told him about how he shouldn't take a Light Wielder, and ... he knows Sora would be right there along with him. He doesn't want him hurt. On the short trip, he can only mentally berate himself a little for going behind his best friend's back, but ... everything Riku has ever done was in Sora's best interest. Well, since ...

Shaking from his reverie, he enters the courtyard with pocketted hands. ]


[ Comment Log ] sorighteously July 18 2009, 16:54:14 UTC
[True to word, she is waiting for him, a small package in her arms, something wrapped and bound in fabric. She knows who he is when he comes - after all, she knows well his replica, her newly-returned guard. And the resemblence is striking - for a moment, in fact, she did wonder if maybe Riqis had come - but there were clear differences, all the same, things that reflected on who they were... Her mind digressed away from the subject at hand - the weight in her arms, that was, and though she greeted Riku with a polite smile and a bow, the concern was evident on her face.]


[ Comment Log ] prayforprey July 19 2009, 03:35:51 UTC
[ His approach is somewhat slow and unsteady, limbs in an attempt to be loose and just looking more jerky. He blinks when he's bowed to, unsure how to respond for a moment, but ... he remembers King Mickey, the formalities he was sometimes met with, and so he returns it slowly, keeping his eyes on her. The boy taller and older than Riqis, looking more like an image of the future. He glances at the package, making a small gesture. ]

Is that it? I've heard it works like a magnifying glass.


[ Comment Log ] sorighteously July 19 2009, 14:59:47 UTC
So it is.

[She pushed back the fabric to take out the artefact, the purple of the handle and the pearlescent crimson of the lens holding their own dark glimmer in the light.]

It should allow you to see through all of the illusion in the temple.

[Holding it out for him to take, the concern went once more unmarked and unchecked.]

Take care, won't you?


[ Comment Log ] prayforprey July 19 2009, 20:08:12 UTC
[ He nods, taking the object from her grasp, observing the queer thing with a perplexed face. He touched the horns with curiosity, fingers running down the smooth glass face, only shaken up when she speaks again. ]

I will. We will. We'll find her.


[ Comment Log ] sorighteously July 20 2009, 12:42:24 UTC
[Nodding, she holds her hands clasped at her chest.]

I have every faith in that. We are not going to lose anyone to this... new work, whoever it may be laid at the feet of.


[ Comment Log ] prayforprey July 20 2009, 16:16:18 UTC
We can only try.

[ And, with that, he turns is back, carefully waving at her over his back. ]

Thanks again.


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