014 ~ [Action]

May 13, 2011 17:25

[It was late last night when Ion was taken from the village, and it had been done so quietly it might have been impossible to know he was gone if his bedding hadn't been thrown around the room.]

[But he wasn't gone for very long, as it's less than a day later that Ion returns to the village sometime in the early evening. At a glance, he might just be mistaken for another new feather: he's sitting on the ground near the plaza, wearing those same white new feather pants with a somewhat confused look on his face. But to those who know him well, they might also notice his hair looks a few inches shorter than usual.]

[He isn't doing much, likely because he doesn't know what he should do. What does one do after they've just been born? Should someone walk by, he'll turn his head to stare at them, but he won't say anything.]

(( ooc: Since I've wanted to do this since forever and finally have the time: Ion is going to be de-aged (from 15~ to 12) for a little while! Although Ion has technically gone back to being a "newborn", Fon Master replicas were born with most of their basic functions rather than as a blank slate, so he'll eventually be able to talk and walk once he realizes what those functions are. He'll start out a little slow, but he's a very quick learner! Just don't expect him to know what anything is at first. |Db ))

[sophie], !action, operation: rescue the princess!, !return, [yui], baby derplica, professional kidnappee, [asch], [nephry], [martel], [jade], replicaaaaaaaa, [mia], [dist]

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