Rope Fever

Mar 17, 2005 20:09

You know what?

I am incensed.

I am indignant.

Major League Baseball is being taken to the cleaners by a league of witchhunting congresspersons, and I am certainly going to take this opportunity to mention that I have noticed.

I've been watching these hearings all day; since they started, before the players were even on.

The only person who's made a good point out of the panel of congresspersons is Chuck Dent, concerning the analogies between the Pete Rose situation and steroid testing.

The rest of these people have been asking questions and banking entirely on hearsay, especially Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), who I already hated with every fiber of my being, but who I have grown to hate with the power of particles absorbed from outside my being.

Certainly, I've always found it hard to feel for Commissioner Bud Selig - and somewhat moreso, today, as the committee had to tell him at least ten times to move closer to his microphone. I do feel sorry for him and his entire panel today.

Diane Watson taking backhanded shots at Arnold Schwarzenegger with absolutely no relevance...though frankly, she was one of, if not the, most tolerable. She and Dent were the only ones that didn't sound unbelievably, unmitigatedly condescending and elitist.

I'd say more now...but I really want to formulate a very long, well-thought out piece about this, after reviewing the transcripts and performing adequate research.

It seems to me that the Congressmembers on the committee simply feel the need to take this matter into their own hands - and by association, into the pockets and privacy of the taxpayers. I am not happy, and I fully intend to outline why.

EDIT: Kevin Towers is a good and brave man; also

"Perception does become reality," says Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland. Yes, it does, and if Congress and the media continue to perpetuate this guilty-until-proven-innocent mentality, then there will be some precedent set that I don't like to think about.

EDIT EDIT: Oh, and always watch C-SPAN for government hearing things. Because all the other networks are always cutting away from the actual proceedings to talking heads like Chris Matthews and various shmoes on all the other news networks. To think I'd forego watching basketball today to observe this travesty!
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