My Carolina Allspice is finally blooming! The year it took to mature was very much worth it. It has at least five blossoms budding, and I'm sure many more on the way. This is an immature flower, I should add. They look much more interesting when they're open. My balcony is going to smell amazing in a week or so. ♥
We had a real party the other night and it had a very good turnout. Even people from midtown showed up. There was some drama, but I managed to stay the hell away from it, thankfully. The next day, I went to IKEA with my mom, Kate, Patrick, and Jeff. I bought a few small things, and they picked out a bright grass green crib for my new niece or nephew that's coming in July...
Also, I am currently co-playing a file on Disgaea 3 with Jeff. Yes, we have a PS3 now. And a 46" LED flatscreen to play it on. Wall-mounted above the fireplace. I feel so legit.
And a very merry unbirthday to
anjel-kitty. :3 Wish you and Puppy were coming to FWA!