Nov 27, 2010 14:11
Yesterday I worked a double and for the first shift, we were almost completely empty. The second shift picked up after a while, but it wasn't our usual Friday night. There was something oddly stressful about last night, though nothing of importance really happened. It was just a little tense, I suppose. That and I still hadn't slept enough after the ride home from North Carolina the night before...
Haven't uploaded my pictures from the trip yet... I might not even post any, since we were there for the most of one day, and they're mostly candid shots of my family. I had a great time visiting them all, on the other hand. The food was just as delicious as it always is, and everyone made it this time. It was nice to be back in Rutherfordton, even for a day... it's such a contrast from the urban area I live in now.
Working tonight... then Sunday I have a day off to recover from all of this...
Also, Jeff and I have been avidly playing a translated rom of Pokemon Black. It's epic. I didn't think I'd like it, but I love it.
video games