Jan 17, 2011 22:35


  • Backtagging: Yes
  • Threadhopping: Yes
  • Fourthwalling: Maybe. Ask first. 
  • Offensive subjects (elaborate): SAWADA TSUNAYOSHI BEATING HIM. Really, though, he is terribly hard to offend. Perhaps if there is a genuine threat to his power, however, he might get a little bit miffed. 


  • Hugging this character: Y.
  • Kissing this character: Sure why not; no guarantees he'll reciprocate though.
  • Flirting with this character: Y.
  • Fighting with this character: Y.
  • Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I am A-OK with this also, but it'd be cool if you asked me first!
  • Killing this character: Ask first!
  • Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Go right ahead.


Byakuran has the ability to see into parallel worlds; this means, by default he could know everything about your character after he uses it. There's some talk about his ability here, if you're interested. For the sake of fairness however, by default his knowledge will be limited to basic and wide known details - for example, your characters name, perhaps who they are living with, perhaps how they make their living. Further knowledge will be sought with permission from mun's etc.

There's the possibility of him knowing possible future outcomes too, however. Simply because in the long run of parallel worlds, there will be worlds that are ahead in the timeline. If that makes sense. It's not a solid or full proof way of seeing the future, but it can give you some indication of what /might/ happen.

IN SHORT; Byakuran is not safe. He will use what knows about you, against you. Especially if you cross him. He's easy going, but if you push him enough he can be volatile. He's not entirely heartless however - deep down, under the batshit eccentricity, the blood lust and the general not giving a fuck about humanity, there's a normal guy kicking a soccer ball and waiting on his mother to brush his hair. 


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