I realised on Sunday that faith expects things according to the Word of God - that is, what he has revealed about himself. It's really easy to not expect anything, and to think that the fact we receive nothing is evidence we were right to not expect.. but anyone who comes to God must believe that he is good and that he rewards those who diligently
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Even so, he listens to our requests, for this is the nature of friendship.
And yet life continues to be like The Onion, except without God actually appearing or responding - except, apparently, in the heads (or, better yet, "the hearts" - since cosmic truths are, of course, easily and unambiguously communicated through emotion) of some of the people that already believe in him. Rather like Zeus and Santa Claus and Grandma Sally.
Friendship is bidirectional, no? If God had the sort of friendship that you describe with his believers, wouldn't we see this world exhibit more of what the Bible unequivocally promises? But the supposed miraculous healing powers of the billions of Christians in this world have yet to put doctors out of business - and we still use explosives, not faith, to move mountains. The loved ones of Christians, on whose behalf prayers are said every night, aren't any less likely to suffer than those of unbelievers.
The Bible says that those who believe would be able to walk through fire and not get burned, would be able to heal by putting their hands on a sick person, would be able to handle snakes and not get bitten...and all three are demonstrably untrue, or at least no more true for Christians than for anyone else. Why is that? And why should we trust the Bible more and not less when we find falsehood in it?
...okay, wrapping up. Sorry if it got too ranty in places - some of these are things I've been talking about with Christians for years and still haven't got a response that would make any sense. I'll be quiet now. ^_^
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