[Private, unhackable]
. . . .
*hides the ring in his wooden box, wrapped in a cloth under some other odds and ends*
This...isn't the first time I've been here? How long ago was it, in the island's time? Since...Mistral was there, there is no other possible conclusion. I've regained memories of another life I lived, here.
And she lived...with me
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Do you think we could talk?
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
I don't know how I can...possibly... *trails off omg OMG*
There's no way either of us could've known! Don't beat yourself up over it or anything!
I found the ring, and my wedding kimono. Did you find something similar?
[She holds up her hand, the ring still on her finger.]
Sooo... I guess this means we really are- were? - married...
what. WHY IS SHE WEARING IT shitttt*
I'm not saying I didn't give it with complete sincerity at the time, but seeing you wearing the ring is not good for my heart, Mistral. Not good at all.
[She hides her hands behind her back, still smiling. She's still not entirely sure what to think of this development, but... as always, she's trying to just take it in stride.]
But really, what should we do about all of this?
You have someone waiting for you at home. Don't worry about this; we don't even know what led up to it, what might've happened...that would result like that.
I feel like I've discovered a 3rd life...
[A pause.]
But at least they're happy memories, right?
They really were.
*starting to...calm. down. Mistral is so good at making everything better..!*
I still feel foolish, but... Yeah.
*almost calmed down enough to finally make eye-contact with her for an appreciative grin*
...But I kinda like the memories, too. I was really enjoying myself then, you know?
*steps closer, placing a hand on each of her shoulders* Mistral, I want you to know that until I remembered this, I...always cherished you as one of my closest friends, here or at home. If, in this other life, marrying you would make you that happy, then I'm...glad that I did. Even though that's not the same life we have right now, I'm glad I could give back at least a fraction of the joy I was dealt by you.
[She tilts her head down so he can't see her face. This, mixed in with her new memories and heck, her old ones of her husband... She was getting rather flustered.]
...I'm glad, too. You've been a close friend to me for so long now, and I'm not disappointed at all in the life we led then. Things are different now, of course, but... I'll always be grateful for all the times we've been able to share together.
Time and memories, and places and people we come across... It's all quite uncontrollable, isn't it? Once it's happened.
If...you want to have some distance from me after all this, I would understand. *wishes she would look up, but feels little right to tip her chin up, even after remembering so clearly kissing her at the ceremony..* ...
Wha- No! I mean...
No matter what happened in the past, we're friends now, right? Why should that change?
I don't ever want to stop being your friend, though.
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