I'm feeling much better, those of you who I may have worried recently. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your concern and your support. I believe that with time, I will come to accept things. The pain has not died down entirely, but I know now that it was not a pain that I should carry like some kind of punishment. Everything that happens
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I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but this does seem like a similar example. While researching vampires, I ran across something interesting, although it is hard to tell fact from fiction when researching those of your kind. This book claimed that when a vampire is created, known as a Childe, that Childe hungers for the blood of his creater, or Sire. They are linked emotionally, and the Childe met with pain if they try to disobey the Sire's command.
This book also said that vampires are bloodthirsty, uncontrollable beasts, however, so I can't help but suspect its credibility.
That has also puzzled me. Many books I read seem to agree that a vampire is created when a human is bitten by another vampire. It doesn't appear to be the case for Kurogane.
Perhaps the next step is experimentation.
*looks down at his own arm* ...I'd like to see. *looks at Fay* Take some of mine.
...I understand how it might seem like you're taking advantage of someone else, but I'm offering this of my own free will. I'm not saying I'll give you blood any more after this, even. I want to see how this condition works, and I'm sure that you do as well.
Face it head-on. You might not like what you find, but that knowledge will undoubtedly will be more useful in the light rather than shut away in the dark.
If you truly do not mind then...
*holds out his wrist, rag at the ready*
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