Sep 03, 2021 17:27

Look upon it and weep. See how dumb I'm being? See this self-sabotage, this shooting myself in the foot? Writing multiple brilliant chapters ahead of myself like an absolute jackass.

Behold, my albatross:                                                         
Chapter Title                                                                 Completed?   Word Count  Left to Write        Words Done       Posted

Trust that I continue banging my head, dick, and other useless appendages against the keyboard. It's happening. I'm just the absolute master of freaking myself out every so often, jumping to read the snippets I've written ahead of myself, realizing how good they are, and proceeding to drink until I forget I'm afraid to write like that.

Rhetorician, psyched out,

random sordid is random, hp, conscience, despair, writing, fic, fail

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