She stood in line for 2 hours today to get Zachary Quinto, the guy who plays Micah, and the guy who plays Ando to sign autographs for me! True, she was there with my sister, who got a hat signed by all of them, but she is still awesome! I am sad that I didn't get to go (I had to work overnight last night) but I am glad they thought of me and got autographs!!
There was also some spoilers discussed
One was that the new female character will have a very dark power, but will not be a dark or evil person herself. She is also apparently travelling with her twin brother. Also, Peter Petrelli will be going to Canada in the upcoming season! My sister said that that got a lot of cheers from the crowd!
I am feeling a little bit better about working after last night. The nurse I was with let me just sort of follow her around, and help out, so I could get a feel for the general routine of the floor. I think that I'll be able to handle it, at least until I can save enough money to go back to school to become a librarian!
I went to Chapters today and got the new Kerrang magazine, which has a little interview with Panic! and FOB and a Panic! poster! I feel like a little teeny-bopper again, buying those Tiger Beat magazines for the posters of JTT and Leo. I wonder what happened to all those magazines? Probably my mom threw them out.
Anywhoodle I am all excited because my friend is coming to visit tomorrow! Now I just have to figure out what we're going to do. Perhaps head down to the Falls? We shall see.