
Nov 08, 2007 13:19

Ok so I've made it through the Oct/Nov bubble at work. What a crazy one it was, too! Tons of overtime, even a 10 hr Sunday. I skipped that. I like the money but my family comes first and there was no way I was giving up my weekend time with them.

Halloween was GREAT. I apparently got loads of compliments on the house decor, again. I missed all this as we were trick or treating with the boy. Thank goodness for Matt, he always takes care of my house. (You are the BEST!)

It is now time to play catch up on house work, and it couldn't come at a better time. If I don't take care of it soon I'll have to be on one of those shows where they come clean your house for you. Of course that's not a bad idea, but I wouldn't want someone to tell me what I could or couldn't keep.

Tomorrow I have agreed to volunteer for the "Stuff the Trolley" campaign for my
M-I-L. It is for a good cause and I kind of enjoy it. (of course, the hubby says he feels sorry for me having to spend time with his mom, I don't find it the chore he does) It is nice to know that in some small way I am helping others, even if it is just a few hours of my time. Plus I get to help at the boy's school.

Plus it gives me a chance to see him in action at school. Things have not been to good on that front. I just find it soooo hard to believe that a child as intelligent as mine is flunking out of the 4th grade. It's even more frustrating that it is because of an attitude problem and not because he is truely having problems with the work. That I could understand. But, his just cavalier attitude towards getting the work done is disgusting. We have always tried to stress the importance of following through with your "responsibilities" in life. We work and pay the bills, his is to go school and get good grades. I don't expect straight A's. But, I do expect that you put in the effort. Failing is unacceptable in my opinion. Especially when you have a GREAT support group of parents/teachers/friends all bending over backward to be of assistance.

Maybe the archery will be a good influence in motivating him to achieve. We have put great emphasis on the fact that if he wants to go shoot he has to have all his school/homework done. (not to mention he lost his TV & Gamecube) And it seems to be working!!!! We have had 3 whole days of no yelling/screaming/tears. I know, I know! That doesn't seem like much, but when it's been monthes of daily battles to get the work done in less that 5 hrs, you take what you can get and be happy for it. (I say this because he has no more that 1-1 1/2 hrs of homework a day.) Hope today goes as well! *crosses fingers* *knocks on wood* and all that other silly superstitious nonsense!

Think I'll go bake him a Pumpkin Spice cake as a suprise treat. Baked goods always make me happy! :)

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