Goblins, goblins everywhere! (And a Hobbes)

Nov 11, 2013 15:04

Now banquet is over and the goblins have all escaped/gone off to their new homes, I can finally show off the photos of them all.

But first - Hobbes! Made for a very good friend of mine from this excellent pattern.

Front view

Back view

Miss B administered the essential cuddle test to make sure he was up to standards.

And then I started making goblins. (This year's banquet theme was fairies, so we needed to have a few goblins around to cause chaos...)

WARNING! If you spot any of these goblins in the wild, please be very careful! They may bite, or play tricks on you. Approach at your own risk!

This one looks all sweet and cute...

Punk goblin (who can stick his hand up his nose)

Whiskers the cat goblin

Bug goblin...

with wings.

Smiley stripey goblin

The first five

Dog goblin...

...with a waggy tail.

Cthulu goblin?

Showing off little wings.

Glum looking fish goblin.

Who are you looking at?

They started getting a bit strange - not sure if this one is a goblin or an alien.

This goblin is very proud of his moustache.

Another bug - last spotted infesting a lady's cleavage...

Tootly grin!

A Borderline Morris mascot.

The first eight goblins, all in a row.

I think this goblin likes playing games.

This guy has big ears and looks a bit bewildered.

This one is just unbelievably pink!

A catopus (we think)

This one's got helicopter rotors, or three very floppy ears...

Miss B described this one as a penguin in a party hat.

Line up 2 (ran out of space on the shelf at this point)

Little spider goblin.


They were all very popular at the banquet - I've got some more to make for those people who I wanted to give goblins to but missed out in the rush.

making stuff

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