how are yu?
i hav been a verry gud girl this yeer & hav not yelled at peeple (tooo much). i hav worked hard & done good fings for ovver peeple.
i wud reeely liek sumwun to coem & kleen my hause for me & soem noo carpet for the hall but if thats too tricky i wud liek stuff off my
wishlist & sum amazon vouchers (coz i liek to save up to get a kindle)
i wud also liek hugs & after ateses & mint poppits & stuff to maek stuff wiv.
(if yu not no what sort of craft stuff i maed yu a
helpful diagram)
fanks verry much!
luv & hugs
ps yu still liek mints pies rite?
pps & rudolf still lieks carrotts?
ppps her munkeyness has been verry gud too (cept for beein a munkey) & she lieks robots & castels & hello kitty & charlie & lola & cookin & maeking fings. she has a
wishlist too & so does
the beloved