ooc; character relations [cape&cowl]

Nov 22, 2011 10:57

♥ = Love | ◊ = Friendship | ≈ = Neutral | ∅ = Hatred

angelica jones-maximoff.
Angelica is certainly Gemma's best friend. Besides her friends at Spence, Gemma doesn't think she's ever connected with someone as well as she has with Angie. She trusts her implicitly, and looks up to her as a sort of older sister-figure. She loves her deeply, and would never tolerate anyone harming her in any way.

♥ ◊

pietro maximoff.
Originally someone she thought of as a superior, since he married Angie, Gemma has thought of Pietro as more of a peer. She enjoys his company and conversation, and believes that though he might be a little hot-headed at times, he is one of the most sensible people she has ever met. She trusts him as she does Angie, and thinks of him as her own family.

♥ ◊

matthew murdock.
Gemma's employer, and someone she considers to be a close friend. He has always been good to her, ever since she started working for him. Gemma still kind of linefaces at him now and then for forcing her and Reilly to go on an awkward date of awkward. She is not aware that he and Daredevil are one and the same. She does have some unresolved emotions regarding the hero since they had relations, but they will most likely never be addressed. She trusts him, and somehow knows that he'll always be there when she needs him.

♥ ◊

reilly tyne.
Gemma's coworker and friend. They enjoy trolling Matt in the workplace. She knows there has been some tension lately between those two, but she isn't sure what she can do to help, if anything. She feels a lot less awkward about that awkward date they went on than Reilly does, but is happy that now he's found someone he doesn't mind going on awkward dates with.


severus snape.
The first time Gemma met him, he was bleeding to death and poisoned; she won't ever forget what he looked like, or how he looked at her after she saved him. He's become something of a mentor-figure, and strangely, he brings out Gemma's rebellious streak. She appreciates that he's trying to help her control her magic, and really takes his advice to heart. Even with his terseness and rather dour outlook on the City, she considers him a friend and still maintains that her magic's effect on him was a fluke.


draco malfoy.
The easiest person to troll that Gemma has ever met. He seems somehow jealous of the attention Snape pays to her, and she will probably use that to her advantage at some point in the future. She definitely tripped him with a tree root, and he got back at her with a tickle charm, which makes her believe (correctly) that he is all kinds of immature. But he isn't all that bad, except for the fact that he reminds her a bit of Cecily.


lily evans-potter.
They've only recently met (for the second time), but something about her appearance is uncanny to Gemma. Angie has also noticed it, as have the rest of the Marauders and such. She seems like a very nice young woman, maybe someone Gemma could get along with, given the time to get to know her. At the present moment, she is more of an enigma than anything.


rose lalonde.
Gemma doesn't know anything about her except that she is also a seer. She seems a lot less detached from her visions than Gemma is, and in a way, she's envious. She'd like to get to know her, but is a bit too shy to do so just yet.


sirius black.
Oh, Sirius. Gemma knew him when he first arrived in the City as a teenager. He was such a cheeky lad, trying to court her. She thought it was cute, if too bold (by half). Once he returned as a man, well. He was still cheeky, but matured. Saddened. Things had happened to him while he'd been away that she didn't think he'd ever tell her about. She enjoys his company and finds him to be a great conversationalist. He also reminds her a great deal of Felicity, which has drawn her to be around him. At this point, he's taken on the role of the strange uncle to her, but she can't help but think about when he was younger sometimes.

♥ ◊

soldier blue.
Gemma isn't quite sure what to make of him, even after their past encounters. He obviously has some kind of psychic ability, and that interest her. But she still feels terrible for possibly harming him the first time they met. She would like to get to know him, but something about him seems so different that she isn't sure where to start.


zatanna zatara.
Gemma doesn't know much about Zatanna, but would certainly like to. She is obviously a very powerful magic-user, and Gemma is one for looking anywhere she can for help with her own magic. Zatanna seems like a very kind, very outgoing person, which intimidates Gemma more than a bit. But one day she'll buck up and talk to her her, maybe get a few pointers. And she also has to go see one of her shows.


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