A trifle late this week on account of my passing out early Thursday night and then some connection issues yesterday, let us have a Saturday edition of TiLT. Here are some things I am loving on this week:
-Having my lady home. ♥
-THOOOOOR. We watched Thor. IT WAS AMAZING?? It is about magic space Vikings getting fired out of cannons. I am not even exaggerating.
-The Thor tag on Tumblr is awesome.
Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap episode 64.-Skyrim, which is proving inexplicably hilarious.
-The awesome local made-in-Seattle clothing shop. They're always so nice, and their clothes rock.
-Being followed by awesome people. Zomg.
-The Old Spice Christmas videos. Related:
devastatingexplosions.com.-The number seven,
Vash, Murray,
Marceline, the current awesome Gunnerkrigg arc,
Glob Save the Queen, Tom Waits,
find the halflings!, peacock housewares,
Link, chocolate peppermint soy milk,
this sign, plastic unicorns,
pretty Sugarless Gum, white chocolate macadamia nut froyo,
Katamari Time, lavender,
cute Snow Bunny, the word 'irascible,'
gorgeous, headphones,
more cute Sugarless Gum, Eris,
this hypnotic gif, discovering new layers to songs,
best, "It's like they start out life with one ambition - to be dunked in milk - and I give them plant-based lies,"
Miss Monae performing at the Nobel Peace Prize concert, pepperjack cheese,
this sword, coloring,
Trixie, ice weasels,
Fire Queen, acquiring a copy of FFXIII for my very own,
Marceline, new Oglaf,
Repair, Robot zomg,
hello, endless Loki bitchfaces,
cool Good Omens art, "I'm whispering lunch meats into your ear,"
adorable, Dragon Aaaage,
peacock nouveau, jellyfish dresses,
Lokis, enabling little girls to do awesome things,
the correct bait is essential, the farmer's market,
winter huntress, bageru,
Rin and Luka, cool ice effects,
this shaman, Trash Compactor and Batman,
Marceline, "norsing a headache,"
oh Ice Queen, Avenger Time,
best, Spock loaf,
AT ladies, the holiday gift I got from work (awww ♥),
the path that rocks, being badass at admin stuff,
these birds, colored boxes, Loki's spear, Avengers toys, satsumas, Vigo mixes, "Fuckin' Junes, man."
What's making you happy this week?