[ART] Ghouls and Goblins

Oct 31, 2011 20:03

It's Halloween. Time for things to get a little...monstrous.

Count Seta.

It came from Junes

the terrifying


The great pharaoh Satonaka rises from her tomb and walks the night again!

The dread Yukiko-onna.

(I really could not resist that pun. Credit to Sarah for the notion of Yukiko going as a classical Japanese monster.)

Tatsumi’s monster, frightening but kind-hearted. Looks like someone didn’t realize the camera was on.

The Witch of Marukyu Tofu is often up to something.

The Phantom of the Shirogane Opera House is a figure seldom-seen, though often heard.

Ohh no, there goes Inaba

go go Tedzilla

The littlest jack o’ lantern waits in the pumpkin patch for the day when she, too, could be the Pumpkin King.

The Haunting of Dojima House is a well known story in rural Inaba, though most take it to be no more than an urban legend.

When he drinks the strange, fearsome concoction he’s created, mild-mannered Dr. Tohru becomes…Mr. Adachi!

persona 4, art

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