[ART] [sketchdump] cool fruits and spiders

May 07, 2011 10:36

Let us have some more selections from the sketchbook today.

A: [very sleepy] I want to draw something. What should I draw?
S: Something cool.
A: What should I draaaaaw?
S: Mangoes in syrup.
A: [draws cool mangoes in syrup]

Levistickin' Grey and Scarlet.

Unicorn lady warmup.

Noodling with Theodore.

Adventure Time-style Tutu!

Noodling with unicorn lady.

S: [reads about a study wherein researchers were saying a given person is never less than three feet from a spider at any time] But that's gotta be an estimate. Some people are definitely six feet away from a spider, and some people...are no feet away from a spider.

sarah, princess tutu, renpy, aviary, art, sketchdump

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