Arrr, me hearties! Today be talk like a pirate day, fer sure and fer certain. I ain't got a drawin' to share with ye this day, more's the pity, but I have got a record o' me fair-goin' adventures. They be not 'n pirate speak, for it'd be rottener than a pile o' dead bilge rats.
Yesterday Sarah, Andrew, and I went to the Puyallup Fair, which was ridiculous fun. Fortunately for me since I did not, Andrew remembered sunscreen. I don't often go to the fair, so it was even more of a pleasure than it might otherwise have been.
We hit up rides (roller coaster, Matterhorn, haunted house, octopus - I insisted on the latter, as I freaking love octopus rides) as a warmup before doing the thing that Andrew insisted that I do with him. I know local types will know what I mean when I say 'that scary-ass ride', but for those not in the know, at the Fair there is a ride that is essentially a giant slingshot between two cranes. The seat is hooked up to cables from the top, and is launched into the air by enormous stacks of springs before it plummets back down toward the earth. It sproings back up again, and then you free-fall back down. (Mind, the seat turns over so you are facing the ground when you fall.) It costs fifty bucks for two people to go on it once. It was terrifying, but also fun.
We hit up the craft hall and hobby hall, the art show (there were some really neat things - I did not realize batik was so common! And these were from middle and highschoolers!), which had some amusing fanart (and some terrible fanart), the animals (draft horses, lazy bunnies, angry turkies, pheasants), and various vendors. Of all the things I did not expect to see there, KH merchandise was really high up on the list. Regardless, I came away with Oblivion and Hollow Bastion crest pendants. I did not buy the Heartless hat.
We fed ourselves with overpriced fair food, including curly fries, nachos, slushies, and an enormous cone of cotton candy. We did not purchase anything from the booth with the HORRIBLE FRIED THINGS - we are not just talking Twinkies here, people. If the phrase 'krispy kreme chicken sandwich' does not strike fear into your heart and disgust into your innards, I'm not sure what to say to you.
Afterward, we headed back up to Seattle and dropped by Uwajimaya for a few things. Sarah and I inhaled some Korean barbecue, then grabbed (among other things) shokupan and rainbow dango mochi. I cannot describe the flavor of rainbow dango mochi, except to say that it tastes like rainbow dango mochi. We skedaddled, and went back to Sarah's apartment to show off the INFLATABLE PINK RAINBOW UNICORN that she bought at the fair.
Today I have been pretty wiped, but regardless hauled myself back to my grandparents' house. Dinner was delicious - lasagna, caesar salad, garlic bread, and fruit (grapes, apples, papaya). I shall likely sleep very well tonight.