I love people-watching. Things-watching, really, since surroundings and animals are just as interesting. This morning, I watched a girl with a pair of beaded bracelets (one clear, one pink) cut apart a stubborn bit of food - I couldn't tell what it was, as I was on the balcony above her at the time - and dip it into some sort of red sauce. There was a gangly, vaguely artsy-looking guy with curly hair outside who held my gaze for a long time as I passed him (I walk with my head up, looking at people), and a girl about my age on the bus knitting with a pair of green needles. An enormously tall man in a voluminous coat with a dark, wavy ponytail got on after me and sprawled all over three empty seats. A pretty girl with a cream jacket (that had shiny gold bits on it, and pink and black) and soft-looking boots sat by me. A group of crows was chilling in a side street by the bus stop, pecking at something on the ground and gossiping with each other.
Meme, thieved from
For the first five people who reply to me and re-post this challenge, I will send you something. It might be something I've made just for you, or something cool from my collection, it might be a mix CD or a book I think you will enjoy, a graphic or something else that I think you might like. Whatever it is, I promise that I will get it to you in 365 days or less or you are allowed to beat me with a wet noodle.
The only thing you need to do in order to participate is to be one of the first five to reply to this, AND post this entry on YOUR live journal - 'cause it's fun to give people stuff.