Ha, I told you I didn't forget about this.
Hmm... >D Saiyuki/Chobits. Extra points if you make Sanzo a certain amnesiac Persocom...
Rating: Let's call it PGish, for hinty stuff.
Words: 109. Shut up.
He’d found the machine abandoned, lying in the trash with naught but some scribbly junk wrapped around it. It had been a lot of effort, but he’d hauled it - him, it was a male-shaped model - back to his apartment. Mercifully his landlady hadn’t caught him in the act.
Now, hours later, he’d located the on switch. It really wasn’t funny, putting it in a place like that (easy enough to find, once he’d thought of it).
The golden-haired Persocom flared to life in a brilliant display of flying green-edged paper. After a moment, he opened his eyes - a striking shade of violet, Hakkai thought - and rasped a word.
I had a chunk of that lying around forever, so. Finishy. It's dying to be made longer. It has been eating at me, because...because...because...it's just so easy. And cracky.