Sep 07, 2006 16:33
Well - im back.
And its great to be home. I absolutely loved my time overseas, the sights, the culture and most importantly the great friends that i made whilst over there. 6 weeks or so - and its over - and theres so many memories, so many stories.
That all said - a few notes.
Things im over
1. Churches. I have not been in as many churches in my life as what i have been in during the last coupla weeks.
2. Cornflakes. Included breakfast always had cornflakes. Enough - no more.
3. Gypsies. Fucking gypsies. Always trying to rob me. Well - nah uh. Over them.
4. Cheap planeflights, with screaming kids, people kicking you in the back and food that you arent sure if its chicken fish or some other form of white meat (seafood extender anyone???) Oh - and prayers to Allah before takeoff.. You get the idea.
5. The horrible conversion rate of the Aussie dollar to anything but Czech Kroner
6. Contiki Cough. Had it for 4 weeks - ive still got it. If you ever go on a tour - be prepared to get sick.
Things im glad to comeback to
1. My own bed
2. My own shower
3. Friends, family and my kids (ie dogs - 'sif i was a father to anyone but Wez)
4. You clowns. Maybe i dont say it enough - but you make me laugh, you're part of my family. Love ya's
Things i miss
1. The people from tour. My circle of gals that i became a part of - they were great - one ill see soonish - the others are still in london and in Melb)
2. Rob - she looked after me better than i deserved.
3. The diversity of life that i experienced
4. The public transport systems. OMG - I knew Syd was bad - but i now know how bad
5. German and Czech beer. That shit be good.
Talk to ya all soon.