Feb 04, 2010 22:57
I usually don't mind, I like weird, but I thought this one was amusing.
Last night I dreamt that I was being interrogated by terrorists who were living in the house over from mine. I am proud to say that dream-me stayed fairly calm and composed throughout the process.
But, as punishment, the terrorists sent me back to my parents' house and made me stand in front of their door listening to them argue. At this point, I woke up in a cold sweat and couldnt get back to sleep.
What's wrong with me? I had a more plesant time hanging out with the terrorists than my own...
I think maybe therapy is in order, deal with some mommy/daddy anger issues I'm holding on to.
I'm not generally distressed, only sometimes, when I have time to think about it. And I guess the other times, I dream.