Go for in-state tuition if you can do it. It would take you far more than a year to pay back the difference loan-wise. Find some volunteering or pay work that's going to provide you with satisfaction and/or experience that will reflect well on you. Here are some suggestions: soup kitchen, CPA work (be willing to wipe someone else's ass), Special Olympics, Volunteering to help/visit the old or infirm, an HIV/AIDS organization, an organization that provides harm-reduction aid to sex workers, a needle exchange or similar place providing counseling/testing/referrals/judgement-free help for injection drug users, tutoring inner-city kids, teaching adults to read, teaching ESL.
You really can just chill out for a year- get some footing, save some money, and prepare yourself for graduate school. There's no harm in not going right away. I'm not applying to grad schools, I haven't taken the GRE, and I haven't even asked professors for recs and I might want an MSW as well. And your taking time for yourself won't make anyone reasonable think less of you. And to hell with anyone else.
You really can just chill out for a year- get some footing, save some money, and prepare yourself for graduate school. There's no harm in not going right away. I'm not applying to grad schools, I haven't taken the GRE, and I haven't even asked professors for recs and I might want an MSW as well. And your taking time for yourself won't make anyone reasonable think less of you. And to hell with anyone else.
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