Author: Soraya
Title: Day at the Beach
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Slash, AU
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Disclaimer: Not mine, Wright and Cooper own Stargate Atlantis etc.
Warnings: Mild M/M interaction
Notes: This is the first story in a series, which deals with themes of death and loss. Sequels to this story are:
Fortunate Son [PG-13]2.
Once [PG
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Comments 12
Now, after treating them this way, I feel oddly compelled to write a PWP, where all they do is get sweaty and have lots of naughty sex, just to make things up to them. ;)
Thanks again, and hugs, Soraya ;)
Watching the ep. 'Before I Sleep', I was struck by Rodney's bravery in the alternate reality, and in particular the pragmatic way he kept trying to buy people time to escape even though his own death/drowning was certain. I wanted to explore a scenario where John not only gets to witness those qualities in Rodney first hand but where he also has to deal with the consequences afterwards.
Thanks very much for the comments, which are much appreciated, and all the best, Soraya ;)
Thanks again for the comments, and all the best, Soraya ;)
Now, ironically, because going to dark places isn't the writing norm for me, I seem to be stuck in terms of taking things forward because only dark, depressing ideas spring to mind, and my initial intention was a happy ending. So, my apologies for leaving the series hanging (I really hate doing that), but I'm not sure where to take this right now. :/ But, if the grim and dark ending works for you, well phew ... *wipes forehead* :D
Hugs, Soraya ;)
But yeah, sometimes that happy ending is really elusive. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see more!
Oh, I know what you mean.
Your idea about writing through the block is a good one - that approach has helped me in the past through the great porn block of 2005. Here, I think it's more a case of not wanting to go that sad or melancholy place in order to write more. So, I'm not going to promise something I'm not sure I can deliver.
For what it's worth, though, I will *always* be committed to writing through porn blocks. ;)
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