
Nov 09, 2005 11:57

So it's wednesday. Someone (gosh darn it, if you know me and post anonymously at least give me half a hint as to who you are) left me a note on my first entry yesterday that yesterday wasn't monday. Thank you for reminding me. Who the hell were you?
So right now Im sitting in the computer lab at abtech so that I could check my email, cause the wireless internet won't let me get on gmail. Which defeats the purpose of there being wireless...imho.
yesterday was a day. I got started on my nanowrimo story which needs a name. I have over 1000 words so far. Im going to spend a lot of time writing today I think. Inspiration is a good thing, and I've been inspired...I think. I think a lot which is dangerous.
I even have a playlist that I can listen to while writing and it has a bunch of good music on it but there's a few songs that I wish I had so that I could listen to them as well. Music is indeed good. I wish I had more.
So yeah. that's how it goes.
I also inherited porn, and in this one mag there's an ask ron jeremy advice column. Mary, for some reason i thought of you. Prolly cause of the weeeeee song. But I still loves you and such. Im gonna cosplay you soon.
Alrighty, so I guess that's all there is to report on for now, but I'll prolly update again when I get to my parents house to do laundry. I need to feed the cats too. cats like to be fed.
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