Kieran's Wedding

Aug 24, 2008 02:03

On Saturday I went to the first wedding of one of my friends. Hopefully the first of many :)

It was a pretty busy day. I woke up early to go feed the rabbit I've been looking after and grab a bus into town. My brothers had driven Pica to see dad and so dad had said that he would pay for me to hire a car for the day and I was so excited! :D I get there a bit early and had to answer some questions, while a guy with long grey hair types and clicks at a computer. After a bit of faffing because I didn't realise I'd need the paper part of my license (doh!) I got a grey/silvery 1.4 Vauxhall Astra and it went VROOM as I drive it out of the lot.

Cyan and I are both going and get ready, I curl my hair all one my own and even though it loks a lot bigger than I was hoping,I think it's quite cool. We have all our directions and get in the car with everything we need, leaving a bit late and, when Cyan looks on the paper it's scheduled to take longer than I thought, too... so therefore I KNEW we'd be late... just not as late as we were. The directions sent us on some random turnings and we had to stop at a pub to ask for help, but we got to the church! ... just in time to see the bride and groom having their photos taken with their car and driven off in it. I apologised to Kieran's mum, who didn't recognise me at first, and she said that we'd be able to get directions to the reception in the church... so we got those and bumped into several people I knew from school as we did so.

We got to the reception fine, although I wasn't expecting it to cost to park there! In the end we had a REALLY lovely evening. The speeches were funny. The food was nice (despite the lack of meat). And everyone and everything looked stunning, which is awesome considering (as the father of the bride pointed out) that they only had a few months to prepare for it!

Watching the first dance made me smile. Kieran had told me Naomi wasn't a good dancer (the words "two left feet" did come up), but you could see she was trying and as far as I knew they'd only had one lesson to help them out, so it was lovely and made me smile.

Once the disco area opened up it was more relaxed. Kieran was obviously fed up of being the centre of attention and having his photo taken, although I convinced him to have one taken with me :D Had fun dancing like a fool with Cyan and some of the guys from LSST to cheesy music. Joining Kieran on his big day was brilliant and to have my sister with me was nice, too :3

The drive home was a lot less stressful... which was helpful as we didn't leave til midnight (the guy at the multi-storey car park found us amusing, I think, as I drove my car down quickly, plonked it by the exit and tottered off to find the paying machine, followed by the other guys who still needed to even get to the top of the car park and drive the car down!). We didn't get home til 2am and I went straight to bed, preparng to get up at 8am so that I could top up the car in time to return it and then we had grab a bus and get home to do a tidy of the house before parents got here!

All done, now I need to revise aaaaaall this week ready to go and pass my Animal Trade exam at 9am on the 1st September - fingers crossed! xx
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