Meme!....and an angry rant.

Apr 14, 2006 14:32

Taken from

Off the top of your head, right now, what ten ships would you likely drop what you're doing to read fic for? Or, alternately, what are the top ten/five ships that you'll give a fic a chance for, or that you've been dying to write, or that you've been dying to read... These can be new loves, old flames, or something in between. Explain if you like, but you don't have to. Then tell us 3 things these ships say about you. Leave a comment about what you think these ships say about me, then repeat in your own LJ.

Ten ships I will give a chance for/am dying to read/will love forever.

Captain Ahab/Starbuck, Moby Dick.  I really have no right to be so obsessed over a book I haven't even read, but I am actually itching to read a fic between those two characters.  It's so tragic in many ways, i suppose, with crazy!Ahab, but that's exactly why I want to read it.  Maybe I'll be satisfied with canon, when I get it, but that might be a while since my package in the mail was lost.

House/Wilson, House MD.  Because, really, they're like Ahab/Starbuck but less disfunctional (although that's debatable) and no whalebone!leg.  There is so much to work with in the House/Wilson ship *coughsubtextcough* , and yet barely anywhere to go with it.  It's hard to find an original plot nowadays so it's really refreshing to see something new.

Duy/Sing/Anthony/Wilson, RPS.  Inside joke.

Harry/Snape, Harry Potter.  This is the least plausible of all my pairings, yet it is my OTP for life.  Nothing wins over Harry/Snape; every year, I always find myself crawling back to it one way or another.  I'll never get sick of it.  I'm still too attached to it.  Damn HP fandom.

Dom/Billy, RPS.  Because their love is so obvious, and you have to know that they had some drunken groping, and gosh, you just got to love them.  This is the one RPS pairing I never get sick of.

Faramir/Aragorn, LOTR.  My not-so-secret rarepair.  It's ridiculous how rare it is/was.  Works well when I see it around, though.

Anakin/Obi-Wan, Star Wars.  Because Jedi are teh h0t.  Plus the Anakin/Obi-Wan ship has a lot of potential in it, although if you want to stay within canon, it all ends the same way.  Still good stuff, though, and some of the best damn AUs I've ever read.

Woody/Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story.  I have no real explanation for this, except that you know it'd be damn funny.

House/Chase, House MD.  I was really skeptical when I first read this pairing, but with some skill and effort, it works.  It really does.  I daresay it might have even more chemistry than House/Wilson.  You just don't get as much fun out of H/W anymore.

And finally...

R2D2/C3PO, Star Wars.  The robots are so in love.  Really.  They are.

Three Things These Ships Say About Me

1.  I really cannot stand het.  It surrounds me in real life, therefore why would I need more in fandom?  I also find the dynamic between two males much more interesting than traditional female/male, and I haven't seen enough femmeslash around enough to know what I think of that.  So I like the unique and I like to diverge from the stupid traditional society norms.

2.  I find ships out of thin air.  Give me any movie/book/tv show with male characters and I can give you slash.  I'm kinda illogical with some things, but I definitely enjoy  it to the fullest.

3.  Age and ...uh... non-living objects are not restrictions for my ships.  :D  My love knows no limits, neither do my ships.

Besides that, I think some ghetto people walking by my house stole my package of books off the front step.  The entire package had 4 books in it, a little hardback for a friend, Moby Dick, the Iliad and The Invisible Man from  The entire thing was worth about 30 dollars, which isn't too much, but I was really looking forward to reading Moby Dick soon.  I'm pretty pissed off right now.  First of all, UPS is supposed to leave a note saying they tried to deliver but I wasn't home, not leave the package on your front porch so idiots can snatch it for quick money.  Ugh.  That's pretty sad, if you're gonna steal a package of classic books.  Am going to bitch at UPS soon.

memes, rant

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