(no subject)

Nov 25, 2015 21:58

Kiscon Seattle 2015
TOS Round Robin

My appreciation to all of you who attended the TOS Round Robin, unfortunately as I did not take a register I am unable to credit individually all those who attended.  I will try better next time.

Some may wonder why this is an advent posting when there is no obvious Snow or Christmas accoutrements: please remember this is the Mirror Universe and such cheer was banished long ago. Although it might be said Pon Farr is a  present in any universe

For the observant attendees, I’ve added one or two scenes and slightly modified the revenge in the rec room concept. I really didn’t want Mirror!Kirk’s command to be damaged at such an early stage.

Once upon a time in the Mirror Universe a young Vulcan found himself at the Imperial Starfleet Academy penniless having chosen acquisition over logic, and suffered banishment from his home world.   Unfortunately at this time in his life Spock had not yet amassed any income to live off and there were very few occupations that provided sufficient latinum to live off yet allow cadets to continue their studies.  It was a choice between prostitution and entertainment.  Preferring to eschew sales of the flesh he reasoned his lithe frame and flexibility would be an asset as an exotic dancer. He had also had the benefit of practice, Vulcan martial art forms were initially taught as dance sequences.

And excel he did, becoming the big draw at “Furbies” Spock’s  “Dance of the Frals” was famed throughout the quadrant.   Those unique appendages being stimulated to ecstasy by the squeals of multitudes of caged Mirror!tribbles desperate to be chosen to be a “Piece of the action.” was a sight to behold.   The sharp dentition of the selected mewling furballs made them excellent nipple clamps and the creatures were driven to distraction by being scrapped against Spock’s body before being attached to his genital piercings as he whirled like a dervish to the rhythms of Orion tantric drumming.  The performance made Nah  Olos the owner of the establishment a tidy packet thanks to his star attractions tidy packet.

Admiral Komack the Academy Principal was a frequent visitor, and desired more than anything exclusive rights to the Vulcan, he was becoming tired of the steadfast refusal of the young Lieutenant to respond to his advances.  He was not the only member of Starfleet with such desires.  Commander Kirk had also been a regular visitor to Furbies.

Kirk hated the Admiral with an intensity that could not be quantified, ever since the man had shipped him out on a garbage scow as punishment for spurning his advances.  Kirk had escaped the scow by kicking butt not by licking ass.  He saw the desperation in Admiral Komack’s eyes as he observed him ogling the Vulcan and he was determined to thwart the man.

Sick of Spock’s   avoidance Komack had obtained a potent Psi inhibitor, and made his plans to entrap the Vulcan.  He had procured from the evil Apple Conglomerate a device of great power which would either transport or vaporize any sentient target within its sphere of operation.   The possibilities were tantalising.   With this device Komack intended to locate then transport the Vulcan to his secret lair, once he had flooded the area with a combination of anaesthetic gas and aerosolized inhibitor rendering the Vulcan would be subject to suggestion.   Komack intended the Vulcan to experience insatiable desire and to surrender himself to the first being he saw on awakening.

Then he would take the virgin Vulcan every which way come Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

His plan would have succeeded but for the intervention of Commander Kirk.  Kirk had arrived at Furbies to do some enticing of his own and found Olos in great distress. In the middle of his first performance the Vulcan had been transported out of the club. A quick scan of the environs revealed a unique transporter signature. Kirk knew exactly where to find the molecular scrambler having been subject to the same instrument with the Admiral’s abortive attempt at Kirk’s own sexual exploitation.

He quickly disarmed the Admiral’s secretary, the loss of two of his ten tentacles and the threat that the third appendage to go would be his mating protuberance was enough to scare the young man into cooperation.  Once Kirk had obtained the entry codes to the Admirals office it was a simple matter to extract the Tantalus device and remove it to the Captain’s cabin on the Enterprise; yes the Captain’s cabin, Kirk had dispatched that fool Pike earlier in the day.

He linked the device into the main transporter matrix to maximise its range and entered the coordinates of the location Komack had transported to;   arrogant desk jockey thought Kirk, the man had failed to conceal the coordinates.


Komack gazed at his neatly bound prey, secured with his favourite shackles and wearing his favourite gladiator style leather genital covering.  Posing pouch would be a better descriptor no gladiator would go into battle so woefully unprotected.   The Vulcan was groaning as the impressive bulk of his manhood strained with unwanted desire.  Komack stroked his fingers along the Vulcan’s visage running a pudgy digit down Spock’s chest and then grasping a nipple between  two proximal phalangeal joints twisting hard, a  move at never failed to make his prey squeal.  Nipple clamps were so last century.

He ran his hand down arm and grabbing a wrist firmly. In an obscene parody of the mating ritual Komack pressed his sweating palm against  Spock’s projecting images of his intended activities into the unshielded mind.  The Admiral grunted with desire as his sick fantasies readied his own body for the planned penetration.

Now for the great reveal: Komack reached over the Vulcan to remove the blindfold.  His fetid breath made Spock retch as the Vulcan tried without success to focus on the foul stench in a desperate attempt to prevent his mind’s response and the inevitability that Komack’s action would bind them in a betrothal bond.

It was at that moment that Admiral Komack’s presence blinked out and at the same time his own body dissolved into a stream of iridescent scintillae.


The Vulcan materialized onto the transporter platform clothed in the revealing leathers

“Nice Tush,” leered Kirk as he eyed up his prize.

Getting no response from the Vulcan Kirk stepped boldly onto the platform and grasping the Vulcan’s equipment   he looked the Vulcan in the eye.

“You should demonstrate a little more gratitude mister,” he announced and for good measure squeezed tightly.

Spock decked him.

Kirk’s operatives decked Spock and transported him to the brig.

After several rounds with an agoniser the Vulcan was still insisting that he was NOT SPOCK at least not the Spock that Kirk thought he was hanging by his arms between two binding posts, legs splayed the Vulcan stared defiantly into Kirk’s eyes.

“I have not and never have been an exotic dancer,” he declaimed following the tenth agoniser application as McCoy entered the facility

“Well ‘tarnation!   Why y’all usin’ such and ol' fashioned approach?”

Kirk turned to see his CMO brandishing a hypo.

“What is it?”

“Oh just something   I cooked up,  never thought I’d find a use for it so soon, of course I haven’t tested it yet so it doesn’t have IDA approval.”

“What is it?”

“Vulcan Truth Serum”

“Be my guest, doctor.”

The serum worked, it had Spock babbling like a baby articulating how desperately he wanted the captain, unfortunately not this captain who he insisted on referring to as Mirror!Kirk.  Even more unfortunately for Spock the Vulcan Truth serum had unfortunate side effects it was an excessively potent rapid acting initiator of Pon Farr.  It mattered little which Kirk Spock wanted what he needed was a good fuck.

James T Kirk couldn’t believe his good fortune he had heard the rumours and it looked like he had hit the Gold load.   Mindful of his newly minted captaincy he reasoned that ship board Pon Farr would disrupt the discipline of the service.  He needed privacy and thanks to Komack he had a very private location to obtain what he had desired all along. He stunned the Vulcan and carried him to the transporter room, ordering   privacy he set the coordinates and dragging Spock with him leapt onto the platform


Meanwhile in the Federation Universe Spock, was returning to the Enterprise from Christmas shore leave.  Of course the Vulcan had eschewed leave preferring to join an archaeology expedition to the Grand Canyon which was examining some of the ancient cliff cave homes.   Jim entered the Transporter Room to greet his colleague; he was looking forward to hearing about Spock’s exploits.
What he was NOT expecting was to be subject to sexploitation.  Spock may have been wearing science blues but the disinhibitor was still coursing through his veins and without the blindfold the first person he saw was James T Kirk. The Vulcan launched himself at the object of his desire and bent on conquest twirled the Captain round like a spinning top as he ripped the green wrap over from the Captain’s torso.

Kirk decked him

“Damn Mirror Universe this is the third time this week,” grumbled Kirk.

It didn’t take Scotty long to make the appropriate adjustments to the Transporter coordinates , Kirk sat phaser cocked and set on stun   opposite  the  Spock’s mirror counterpart  who was now slumped on the transporter platform.  Kirk hoped the Vulcan would stay out long enough for him to avoid using the weapon.

“Captain we need to energise now. “  Scott insisted.

Kirk holstered the phaser and made to prop up their Mirror captive.  Stepping back he ordered the transporter chief to transport to the original coordinates but Spock was both conscious and quick and grasped Kirk as they transported down to the cave just as the same situation was occurring in the Mirror Universe.  . Fortunately Universes have a habit of ensuring that the right people are in them so we end up with two different Kirk/Spock combinations but the same cave.

So we have Mirror!Spock and Mirror!Kirk in a cave and although it’s not Pon Farr they both have a pretty good time anyway. Spock is grateful to be rescued from an unwanted bond with Komack, and with the inhibitor rapidly washing out of his system indulges the Captain’s 'Private Dancer'  fantasy before engaging with his rescuer in a mutually consensual fashion.

Kirk realises that he’d like the arrangement to continue and as a bonus the guy isn’t just a good fuck he is a damn good science officer maybe even first officer material once he has got rid of his first officer and ex-lover Mitchell.  Revenge is a dish best served at the edge of the galaxy.

However they had in their passion failed to consider Kirk’s other discarded lover Uhura.  He nearly had to promote her to Chief of Communications to stop her revealing to Sulu just how Lieutenant Spock got his post.  He would have had to but she had not considered the capabilities of an operative with an A7 computer rating. The output of the video streaming equipment that Komack installed disappeared before there was any chance that it might be screened at Sulu’s Cinema of Sleaze as prime orgy initiation material.


Federation Kirk had expected the usual cross over to occur and to be in the transporter room greeting his first officer, the latter in science blues and also his right mind. He did not expect himself to be in a Cave with a Vulcan in a costume that would not be out of place on the set of Ben Hur apart from the fact the genital protector  had been removed.

Kirk gazed in awe at the quivering frals and a very impressive gladiatorial leather, the glistening hot body, the blown pupils......

He’d been here before, well minus the frals

He’d been surviving on this fantasy since the “Visit to Vulcan” that had been part of the emotional transfer from Spock!Prime.
This time he had no intention of losing out it was time to get down to the business of saving a life


What of Komack?
Well Mirror1Kirk hated to see a man like Nah Olos go out of business. Before the Enterprise warped out on its next mission Kirk beamed the Admiral out of the Tantalus buffer unclothed as he had been before his planned assault on Spock.
Right onto Furbies’ stage.

Unfortunately the Admiral had no genital piercings and Mirror!tribbles have razor sharp teeth.

ks advent 2015

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