After waking up a bit, I sat down at my computers to lj and FFXI. Much to my dismay I was denied. I couldn't connect to the internet. I power cycled my modem and my router with no improvement. So I finally called comcast.
Call 1: I was on hold for about 20 minutes. First thing I asked when I got a human was "Is there an outage in my area?" According to her screen the answer was no so we spent another 20 minutes unplugging, replugging, power cycling and more muck to no avail. And then guess what happened? TADA! Pop up on her screen... "There is an outage in your area." OK! I was fine with that. I can wait, it's not fun but I can. I hung up around 10:30am.
I lounged on my sofa watching the Fine Living Network and napping. Sent a text to
azumauta apologizing for my pending absence from the Dynamis run later in the day. Around noonish I tried poking at my modem again. Still nothing. So I made lunch, played some free cell and waited more. 2pm-ish rolls around and I make another call.
Call 2: I was on hold for about 15 minutes. Again the first question I asked was "Is there an outage in my area?" with a few other details about my call earlier in the day. We go through the same unplugging, cycling etc AGAIN and again. After another 25 minutes the guy get as pop up "There is still an outage in the area" with no estimated time for return of service. I am annoyed but still being a cool caller and not going nuts on the rep. I request to file a complaint about the poor communication with the reps regarding outage notices. I could have saved so much time if they had the information an outage was still going on.
I got a call from
saberpilot and headed out to meet her. We went shopping and Kawaii Gifts for things of uber cute awesomeness. Finally we made it back to my place for Shakespeare Retold version of Macbeth and Torchwood. Mmmmm BBC programming.
And then it was time to head out for the Smash Bros Brawl release. We got there too early and didn't want to stand out in the cold. We ended up at Kings to snack and keep warm. Finally it was time to head to Gamestop and get in line. It was quite cold, but once the door opened things went smoothly. They were even cool enough to process a return for me. :D
Despite the snow, the roads were fine and I am now safe and warm with my internets.