
May 04, 2007 08:37

Last night blackpaladin and I stopped by The Oaks for a midnight showing of Spiderman 3.

I really should comment to the new manager that the volume is a little too low. Last night's show was well attended, but mostly full of people who didn't know how to keep their snarky comments to the person next to them. Hell, they even booed at one point. It was a super cheesy and sappy moment but come on. Just let the film play. -_-

As another friend said in his review, I thought it had too many good ideas shoved into one movie. I do not know much regarding the details in the actual comics so I am the general audience the film is made for and even I agree that there was just too much. Putting that aside, I was still able to enjoy the movie. There was a complete returning cast as well as some worthy additions, Topher Grace as Eddie Brock Jr. and Thomas Haden Church as Flint Marko.

I'm not a huge Thomas Haden Church fan. I usually have a hard time seeing him as anyone other than Lowell Mather from Wings. Oh course his role in Sideways does not help endear him to me either. Regardless, I felt he did a good job at being a conflicted criminal that gains an extrordinary ability.

When I first saw Topher Grace in the trailer I was super excited. I've liked him ever since That 70's show, and I'm glad to see him on film. I think he did an excellent job playing Peter's competition. On a side note, I was very amused by the height difference between Tobey and Topher. *laughs* I never realized how tall/short they are. As for Venom, I think Topher was excellent as a guy driven mad by his obsession and the symbiote. I never thought he could play evil.

Of course before the symbiote gets to Eddie, Peter has a spot of fun and revenge. I have to say I'm quite curious as to what Dark Peter would have looked like if this film was made 15 years ago before the emo bangs were envogue. Anyway, Dark Peter's emo bangs were so funny, but they worked as a simple way to differentiate between the two personalities. Under the symbiote's influence, Dark Peter felt smooth and confident. In a sequence reminicent of "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head" from Spiderman 2, Dark Peter struts himself around New York in a brilliant mix of smooth and awkward. I was constantly phasing between drooling and cringing. It was beautifully done and I can't wait until I can take a bunch of screencaps to make icons. OH THE IDEAS I HAVE!

One more thing on Dark Peter... I almost lost it when blackpaladin whispered in my ear something like, "If his hair got any longer I'd think he's trying to be Peter Petrelli." *dies*

I was very pleased with MJ in this film particularly because they FINALLY readjusted her hair color. Oh my god, in 2 her hair was so pale it made her look sickly and terrible. *ahem* Kirsten Dunst serves up another emotional performance. I never like to see MJ cry because Peter did something stupid, but that's what's so great about Spiderman. He's essentially human and makes the same mistakes we all do. It's those flaws and personal conflicts that makes the characters so rich even in condensed film format.

James Franco serves up another wonderful performance as Harry Osborn. I would say more but my words are failing me.

The action sequences were spectacular and probably the best yet. So many different fights and mediums in this film. I'm looking forward to the DVD and all it's special features on the effects team.

Overall I liked the film, but 2 will remain my favorite in this franchise.

the oaks, movies

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