Blame Kid Icarus Uprising' music

Mar 24, 2012 20:12

"Your music can be oddly Spanish at times, Pit. Especially Pitdos' theme... I half expected castanets to be played in it."

The angel looked up from his 3DS. "Now that you mention it, that flamenco guitar gives that flavor to it."

His copy groaned. "If you're going to make Mexican or Meta Knight jokes, you guys-"

M-kun clapped their hands. "Olé!"

Red eyes glared at the masked person not far away. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood and Sorakh can kick my ass, else I would've kicked yours."

"Wait, Sorakh can kick your ass?"

Pit nodded. "She's got access to our Armory. I think that's enough said."

M-kun winced. "I feel for you guys."
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