......I feel sick.

Feb 06, 2007 23:59

There has been this cat hanging around my house. Now he was here before and he would come and go, but latley he hasn't been here. He showed up two nights ago.
He has been sleeping in a little bed made for Jelly to sleep in when shes outside that it out on our deck.
I was looking at him through the glass door. He didn't get up, but he just looked up at me. I felt bad because he was shaking and cold and it was on the coldest night this week that he had shown up. I wish I could have let him in but I can't. There was something up with his chin, It look injured. Like some fur was taken off in a fight. I didn't think it was anything major. That it was a trick to my eyes. So tonight when I got back from Ethan's, I put some food out there for him since it had been two days and he hadn't moved once form the spot. He starts eating it, I see that its a huge gash in his chin, but nothing more (that I could see). I feel terrible because there is nothing I can do for him right now.
So I wrote a note for my mom telling her not to let Mikie and Jelly out just in case this cat had something they could catch. (a precaution) And that I want to call the humane society and have them come pick him up, he needs medical attention.
A half hour goes by, I turn on the outside light to see if he is in the bed again, he is. He gets up and walks to me, meows and I see that HALF OF HIS LOWER JAW AND TONGUE IS MISSING I slapped my hands to my face and fell backwards, looking away I shut off the light and didn't look back out there.
I hate not being able to help him, to comfort him. I hate it. It made me think of my Goo. I wasn't there when he needed me most and it kills me.
I hate seeing hurt animals, it just makes me dizzy and sick.
I didn't think it was that bad....oh my god I felt instantly sick and my knees went out from under me.
I need to take care of him tomorrow, he needs help and I'm going to get him some.

---had to get that off my chest....

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