Visited another specialist on Thu; now I have to Really Watch My diet t.t. So, b'fast just got +10 cents per day and no more special b'fasts *sigh*.
'Desperate Escape'... bane.
Watched "Resident Evil: Revelations" walkthrough. It seems like an Awesome game, but it has 2 timed segments =(. I am not good with timed. That's why I fail @ Classic-vanias.
Buying DS Lite Crimson/Black + 'the Minish Cap' guide from
fadushi2. And, "Hyrule Historia" is getting translated! Tho, USD 20.99? I think I'll wait until I see reviews. I heard "Resident Evil Archives" had Really Bad translation and inconsistencies from the original "Biohazard Archives" and games.
(I want to change slow emphasis phrases from "word... word... word" to "Word Word Word". Save space with capitals instead of ellipses.)
People... are jerkass hypocrite racist.
If anyone calls you a "crybaby", tell them "Actually I'm a sociopath on a leash. If I couldn't cry, 'psychopathic' couldn't begin to describe what I would do."
If anyone says "kiss my ***", tell them "Sorry but you're already doing it."