wedding 1 - serious

Jul 30, 2012 20:28

Yes, first wedding in my immediate family (not including parents) took place Aug 28, reception Aug 29. There was one bride's maid and one groom's man, and no flower girl or ringbearer. Sis didn't wear a veil, but that's her style.
My parents didn't cry, but I wasn't next to them so they might have teared... Well, my mom anyway. My dad was officiating so... He didn't choke up, and he admits the only time he will cry is if I grow taller than him. (Not gonna happen unless I get another growth spurt...)
I admit I teared twice (I am rather sensitive). But then I teared when I had to get my eyebrows waxed (it didn't hurt, persay, but my eyeballs didn't like to be pulled).

first, wedding

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