The fuck.

Aug 26, 2006 14:16

The hell.
I just came back from my coll.
Went to register myself today.

But damn fucking right.
I got accepted, banzai. lol
I had to go through the entrance exam.
Which is a pain in the ass i tell you.
Even though it looks like an english exam but it's gay, i really mean gay !!!

Ah fuck, the objective part was cake obviously.
Only part was the essay shit, i was writting bullshit all the way.
I was even thinking if i could make it in or not back then lol.
Plus, i nearly fainted when they wanted me to redraw the 1st work.
Which was a figure sketch drawing..
The drawing i drew for it was Sora, but they didn't accept it.
Because it's comic-like or animated. Wtf, that's purely gay.

So i had to redraw again there.
I didn't take longer than 5mins to draw because it's fugly and gay i tell you. lol.
So then i waited and got the answer i got accepted.
My class starts at 6th Sept.
That's 2 weeks from now, it's gonna be fucking fast i tell you.
Damn, lol.

Come to think of it, for this 8 months of holiday.
It feels like i'm being a hikkimori lol.
But not as retarded as Satou in NHK of course lol.

Anyway, i'm fucking hungry.
Was awake since 9am and i didn't eat anything since then.
(Bkt = Bah kut teh) :D
After eating, i might head off to bed.
I'm exhausted.
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