When with sis to hear Francois Valleys *__* cool!
XD she got a CD and he signed, I just got the program signed!
Still really cool!, I wanted to hear the "La Manzana Roja (the red apple)" again, but these were new stories, =D the one I liked the most was "Que quiere la mujer?" (what the woman want, celtic tale with Gawain and Arthur =D sooo cool!) *___* I got to hear again The Baobab story T___T 'And the men, what hyena remembers?"
well, now =D Pic spam!
XD pics of me, =( don't get scare
^^ of friends and with friends
XD sue me later!
^^ I have new friends in my flist so, this way they get to know me, feel free to comment
By date
X-mas 2004 with my friend Rocio (ohhh... my hair T__T, I want it back!)
I think this is 2005... like may? o.O can't remember *too lazy to check the pic's date) =D but that is Sandra... =..= I had a hang over when that picture was taken... a very bad one...XD I woke up in my bed that morning and didn't remember how I got there, my glasses were missing XD, Sandra and Gabriela (her sis) left a note saying we had a lot of fun =( sadly I can't remember any of it... Uso (Greek drink) is evil!
that's the only decent picture I have wearing that dress! grrr, have to take more =..........= when I can buy new batteries
2006 picture me with the green hat (emphy's) Emph in the back and Aya trying to take something from my hands, XD can remember what it was but looks fun now XDD
At Vilo's house with Len tao's... thing >________< can't remember the name!!
*__* Psique cosplayed as Len tao... o.O I don't have a pic tho.... *plots on how to get one*
Me reading at univ. =D
I think this is 2007 new year ^^U
Emph, Psique and me!!
Vilo with Jen's butterfly (I have a red one!)
Psi! =D we have the same came, XD and she has a pic of me doing just that ( taken at the same time!) *__* hands!!
Chipi!! (or bunny!) =P he looks good! (hawt XD) but if I post a pic of him Emph will have my head!
Jen-jen's Bow (XD I need a pic of you!!) She dressed as Lestat for Halloween '06, that bow is jus soo Lucius Malfoy... XD Les and Lu have a lot of similarities.
you ask why I take pic of feet? ^^ I love it!!
This is a very special friend =D
He is with us always, cares for us and gives us fun (XD and headaches!)
Jen - Me in the back
Now... was I talking about the bear?
ahh family!
Niece (Andrea 3) and Nephew (Alvaro 1)
Sis!! (aka The Hobbit!)
This pic is sooooo cute!
*runs away before 'she' starts to kill!*
That's how my hair looks now... the pic looks funny o.O.. XD la la la!
(=..= too close!!)