I gues is about time for a post ! (english spanish to follow =D and some mix images!)
Sooo... it's been long long long! =......= i never update
so, what have I been doing!?
I'm still taking Japanese Clases at Nippi Bunka Kaikan (XD) in the mornings is great, Sensei is fun!
taking Tae kwon do at nights =D *tired* but fun too
And I finished the class of teaching english to children! =D it was good, only problem... XD the teachers (that spoke british english) said I speak too fast (>< USA english!) so I have to vacalize o...o more...hence... XD I feel i'm speaking in a funny way (y no me gusto la diferencia que hicieron entre ESL e EFL =...= creo que esas categorias estan delimitadas porque son acercamientos diferentes a la educacion de otra lengua, en este caso el ingles, y que poner todo en un solo nivel no seria junto para estudiantes de la lengua en el pais y fuera del pais, es necesario delimitar los contextos de educacion y educar en base a estos >< no estoy de acuerdo con la otra propuesta, pero aun asi me informare)
en la clase la profe me pregunto si estaria interesada en una segunda especializacion en educacion, o..o dijo que era buena candidata, solo nececito terminar linguistica, y hacer dos anhos mas de educacion, y claro .... 'experiencia laboral' de dos anhos en instituciones nacionales de prefenrecia!! eek >I'm stil thinking about it, teaching to children its just, for the time being, I want to teach young people, or adults eager to learn spanish or english, I know I'm not perfect, but I've been told I sound like a native speaker @__@ (how odd is that) what I actually want to do is translations =D document translation! and interpretation! (XD I have to use my studies in international comerce!).
But I'm going ahead of my self, I heve to finish linguistics! T____T
in the other side....
=D My sister ordered Loveless 6 so I was reading that >< is sooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful! (can't wait for the next XD I'm following Zerosum scans!) and, like I have NOTHING to do! (oh, yeah... XD I have to look for a job!) I've been translating the chapters into spanish and planned to scanlated them... o..o that's not illegal or anything since is going to be in spanish
Also!... KKM!!,
katmaxwell posted a FST =D i'ts great!! I love it!
T__T KKM is going to an end! (and the sub chapters are like.... 20 chapter BEHIND!!! T__T )
http://community.livejournal.com/kyou_kara_maou/728346.html?thread=9515546#t9526298but I heve to wait.. the Moon!! I love that Moon!! and the Sun!! there can't be 2 suns!
=D oh yeah I also joined La orden del sol! ( An HP group!)
http://www.ordendelsol.com/index.php?s=c05a1c3c6dc3d09297d5c7a1f82888a1& did you guys so Luna!? and tonks! (looks hot ! XD) I want to know who get to play Lily and James! =D and Moony! and Padfoot!
>< I want Memories of a Geisha!! (thought is in english....) T_T it hasn't opened yet on my country! =D but Ju on opened, I alredy saw it on DVD but the theatre is another feeling
T__T well, i'll try to post often (XD I say that every time!)
>< grrr have to study for my pj test read the newspaper, and try to find a job,... XD and bro wants HP in spanish! he can read english but he reads faster in snpanish.... =......= he's just lazy!! >< I won't buy another HP book =D I'll borrow one! je je
bueno, nos leemos!!
take care!
lookie.. o..O looks like Olivie!