
Nov 12, 2010 23:21

A couple of friends came over for a little get together around  a small orange cake for another friends b-day due sunday.
We chose  Argentinian Malbec over English Tea XD 
And aver the evening I was urged to write at least something again 
And I am considering, even my father said I should write stories because I like to tell them (and I have no problem making my self heard) but it's something all together different to tell a story verbally and to write one, I can have a story in my head but at the moment I have to write it's kinda difficult plus since my writing classes were en English mostly and I got mostly blue prints (it's easy to write blue prints, to fill around the blue prints that it's hard) So I'm thinking that instead of taking French as I was intending I could look for writing workshop and see what  happens...I would like to have my name in an Anthology at least XD
=..= but I need to learn french...
Parents go to Panama Again on December they are back In January depending of my Itinerary (Let it be Asia, Let it be Asia) I will be gone again, if not... XD I'll go work at the Hostel and study until My friends come on february the go to Panama around march and come back for my b-day then... XD work and then study or if it works go with a friend to another cruise.
I think I'll stay a couple of days @Malka since people have returned, Mikael is back saying he will marry this time... XD last time I remember I have to scare away a woman that was looking for him... scary woman at that crazy as a crazy person can be, lets see what he brings back now Takako is supoused to be back too along with my tai girls and of course I'm back! So Pisco Sour for everyone @Malka!!!!

Enjoy the matsuri Tomorrow
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