bleh, bleh, bleh~

Sep 15, 2008 23:15

For my bad editing skills *cries*
XD As I said before, I'll fix it later, or probably coax Ayan to do it for me =) I feel evil

O...O 16th is not here yet.... Ayan is going to kill me!!! (though is not my fault, blame geography.... Japan is far away people)

@--@ I read Sex Therapist (Kazuma Kodaka's manga... not some odd book XD) its hot u....u, damn...

=D Nana made me warm Chai with passion fruit *loves Nana*

Saturday I went to a concert (w/Ayan and Emph), Pedro Suarez performing is great XD

I also read Nabari no Ou T__T OMG  Yoite!!! it made me cry!! *sniff* why is the world (of Nabari XD) so cruel, *sniff* T^T

=( three more eps and D.gure is gone, I'm a sad Kanda-pon's fan (I still have the manga though u...u... *___* and is hot! Though I don't like that Emily-whatever woman... keep away! *uses a pocker*) I'm so looking forward to the "Kanda Arc" *___* finally Hoshino!! there are a few faux pas, mind you... but any way, we love her all the same, the art is great and the story is building up again.
=( still sad because I don't get to see the Zombie ark animated... am I the only one that wanted to see Sokaro half naked? XD I've said it before, the guy is oddly hot u...u. Wanted to see chibi Kanda so bad!! T__T does that made me pedo? nooooooooo!! He is just so cute in any size *________________*

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He has such a charming smile
o..o this AMV is not Yuullen =D
Watch the other vids of FMAotaku35
*__* the requiems are so cool, I'm wating for Kanda's

everyday, kanda, video, manga

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