waii~! Yoite pic!!

Jun 19, 2008 22:10

Ok, mindless writing -again-

=D I want  japanese food (well, I just want food in general... warm, good food)

I went to this place with a friend (actually, she is my replacement at work, I swear she has all the personality of my niece, I wonder my niece will be like that when she is grown), we sort of became friends in the 2 weeks we work together =D that makes me all kinds of happy because its been long since I made a new friend.
The last the of work we went to a place called Don Katsu (very near my house), because guess what she likes sushi XD, I found out when she said 'Is that sushi?!' when she saw my lunch box ^^U... Anyway, we went to this place and it was really good! we ate Miso, Gyoza, Sushi and Ocha =D
o....O mother says she knows how to do Gyoza. *loves*
a couple days ago I made Okonomiyaki (went to a near by store to purchase the ingredients) It's simple and really good *__*
Now I want to try and make Dango, I need glutinous rice flour, perhaps I'll go shopping again this weekend.

I want hot pot T___T Sukiyaki~!!!

everyday, food

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