
Feb 18, 2008 16:56

XDD  I should dl one thing at a time! (I was told that)
Systems guy: "do take all the bandwith *tut-tut* and no big files"
Me: *sad*
SG: So what are you dl-ing *peeks*
Me: err... books? ^^UUUU (Actually I was dl-ing doujinshi!)
SG: don't take much bandwith again
Me: *guilty look* sorry =(

So no big files for me *sad* XD at least I enjoyed while it lasted (and I can do it once in a while XD)

But I have doujinshi! *____* DoumekixWatanuki Dj is sooo cute!!!!! *_____________*
T__T no 150 chapter yet! T___T
Anyhow, I went back to the old AF forum *_____* there is a lot of DJ!!
=) I love the words "not worksafe" they apply so good to Doumeki and Watanuki \^0^/

Other dj today... well... o...o DB dj... Gohan trunks T___T it was so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad poor Mirai trunks... Poor Gohan!!! T___T not able to be with Mirai trunks! and having just yo watch the Trunks from his time *buahhhhhhh* T___T I don't like story without happyendings (I'm mushy!)
It's so sad!!!! In the story Gohan helps Mirai trunks to get his Gohan back to life,... but Gohan is stuck with wife and kid... so empty! saaaaaaaaaaaaaad

ok... *sniff* that happens to me for reading sad things *snif* XDD at least I'm not high, or else I'll be crying my eyes out over poor Gohan

It's already six!! time flies!! And I haven't done the time table for my mom's event!!! T____T
I need my youth back! (and a drink!)

o..o I want seed!! Yesterday I watch a bit (it was an aditional minute in the special edition) o..O showing Kira with a white Zaft uniform going to meet Lacus (Deakka and Yzak were with her *___*) Asran (with Orb uniform was with Kira =....= Meilin and her sister were with the Kira party. I hate them! along with Shin!), I hope is was still with Cagalli... I think a new music disk is coming out this week.. o.O can't tell my jp is very very bad!, but I try... I also saw Gundam Jealousy!! XDD soo cute! I love seed Club!!
T____T can't find an Yzak figure T____T I want it bad!!
o.O I need more DeaYza Dj... I was reading fanfic yesterday night (I was kinda high yesterday, felt bad the whole afternoon...) *___* fanfic is great!!

=S I'm kinda leaving behind H/D this season, XD and returning to other pairings, I've been reading Eragon/Orimis (is soooo great!! because Eragon is a Sex adicct in some fics XDD, poor Oromis!!) Wolf/Yuuri =D, Yzak/Deakka and Kira/Athrun o..O why people write more Athrun/Yzak?? (I love Nyandam seed thought) ohh.. and Rey/Giru-Giru!! =) Gil is such a perv... trust him to clone his mate and raise him to a hot bishie! XDD

\0.0/ April is coming!!! (anime season, XD) I haven't watch anime for long!!! o..O I don't like the new stuff that much... I'm trying with Death note =D is good so far o..o L is actually cute (and Raito is totally uke) I'm just looking foward to KKM *__*

I'm not reading any books... u,,u I don't know what I want!...I think I'll try Orlando o..O

Well, now on the day-to-day life?
XDD Not much!
Saturday we (Psi, Jen-Jen, Ayan, Emph, Mura, Mia and I) went to the 'Circuito magico del agua', fountains, the biggest is 80 mts, supposed to the the biggest on the World! o...o we have to return on a week day, saturday night it was packed! XD we came out wet  o..o I dried up fairly fast (I can't say the same for the rest of them)

It was a fun weekend, but I pay it dearly on sunday... I felt really bad! (it was the water or all the herbs in the curry) I felt bad... so I took some pills and slept for like 2 hours... then woke up again, ate something read a bit and slept again.

Tomorrow I'll comment on how crazy people is!!
u...u I've said it before... I'm normal! is the world the unbalanced!

everyday, gundam, doujinshi

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