Mmm, trying to use LJ more, because finding out things about friends from other friends who live on the other side of the world is just getting weird...also need to try being more social. It's not healthy for me to keep curling up in my happy little shell of hermitism. Perhaps because I feel like I have more control over interacting with people
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I think I started watching when episode 20 came out subbed, and started collecting the raws as well not long after (so I'm missing a few early raws D:). I fell out of fandom around when omg_maou sadly fell apart last year, though. I'd been in it from when the first advertisement was posted on kyou_kara_maou in *thinks* around April/May 2005, so it was sad, but probably about time. :/ The OVAs have stirred interest back up again, it looks like they and the promise of a third season have drawn a few of us back in XD (I may be a little at fault for some of the drawing in...>.>)
Wolfram was my fave at first, but Murata grew on me more and more by playing him, and thus, watching him more closely as the series progressed. Now I think he's possibly my favourite anime character ever. ^_^ I am trying to get more of my friends back home into it, too, but it has also grown in interest just by the DVDs getting released locally. I mean, I cosplayed Wolfram in mid-2005 - and almost NO ONE knew who I was. I revived the costume last year, and SO MANY people recognised me. It was great! I guess it may have also helped having a Yuuri and Conrad with me, too, but I still think I would have been recognised alone. Someday I will cosplay Murata (oh god, not more yellow trim *cries*) and/or finish my half-done Shinou cosplay, too. >D
Ehehehe...if only it were just a ficlet. It's actually a very small part of an epic AU fic of DOOM that has been eating my brain for ages XD I haven't done much on it in the last year, but talking to Apa made me feel like poking at it again. *sigh* XD
Ooo, btw do you know if any specific place where KKM AMV's are posted? I KNOW there's more than what I've found cos i remember them from 3 years ago, but now i can't find them. Like you with fics I have a couple of Murata AMV's forming in my head but i need to know if the songs i'm planning to use have already been done or not? Any help?
Hmm, well, aside from YouTube and not really. I know some KKM vids got pulled from both sites awhile ago...but that was more because of the song content and certain bands putting the foot down on fan videos using their music. I could send you some that I have, if you don't already have them, though. ^_^ ....actually, damn, nevermind, I only have 2 with me on my laptop. The rest are back in Australia on my PC *le sigh* Why didn't I move my AMVs to my external HD before I came over here? -_-
And the AMV's are back in Australia? Where are you now?
I ♥ Europe, though. I'm hoping to move back over to work here after I graduate~ It's so nice to travel for a couple hours and be in another country. You do that in Aus - and HEY! Still in Aus -_-; Seriously, though, I do love Australia, but there's not enough in my prospective industry to keep me there, unfortunately. ^^
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