Ganked from
deannawol. I think I've done this before....but I never went back and updated it ^^;
I am procrastinating like whoa....have RP tags to write....and am so far behind on NaNo it's ridiculous. Especially since I got some new inspiration for it last night....>.> Not to mention the 2 assignments I still need to do. Should probably do a regular LJ post too....since I never post here and a lot has happened the past few months ^^;;; *sigh* oh well.
1. Post a list of 10 of your favorite fandoms.
2. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each fandom.
3. When guessed, bold the line and write a sentence about why you like that character.
1. Kyou Kara Maou - Murata Ken (guessed by
jetaimerai) - Actually only a recent ascension to the top spot previously ruled by Wolfram. He's just awesome...what more is there to say? (Yeah, ok, and RPing him helped a lot too ^_~)
2. Digimon - Ichijouji Ken (guessed by
vain_chan) - The Kaiser owns my soul...he is awesome, any pairing with him or Ken is awesome...and there's a hell of a lot of good Ken fic out there.
3. Weiß Kreuz - Tsukiyono Omi (guessed by
kasra_c) - How can you not love Omittchi? *snoodles him* He's such a cute little killer with a smile! ^_^
4. Yami no Matsuei - Hisoka (guessed by
hauntedreality) - He's an angsty little bitch <3....and I always seem to like the beautiful damaged ones...especially if they're blonde, hmm.
5. Gravitation - Yuki Eiri (guessed by
hauntedreality) - This was a tough decision between Shuuichi and Yuki...but I'm reading the manga now, and I really love manga!Yuki...he's got more of a chance to show off his coolness.
6. Get Backers - Midou Ban (guessed by
alarielle) - Because Ban is teh sex...the glasses, the shirt, the sexy voice, the cool 'all knowing' attitude....the evil eye *mrawr*!
7. Fullmetal Alchemist - Edward Elric (guessed by
hauntedreality) - Not really sure why he's my fave, actually...I guess I like/admire his energy and determination, and uh, he's blonde....^^;
8. Harry Potter - Hermione Granger (guessed by
deannawol) - This stems from my High School days where my friends and I decided on characters for each other. I was Hermione, because of my boofy hair and err, academic-ness. 'Ron', 'Draco' and I are still best friends and will hopefully be seeing GoF together on Dec 1st! I also actually like Hermione because she's smart and cool. Hehe, being the only female on this list stumped people a bit, I think. ^_^
9. Lord of the Rings - Aragorn (guessed by
jazzthejazz) - *meeeeeelts* Aragorn is just dead sexy...the rugged look, that smile....not to mention a humble King and hero. He just has bad taste in women. *sigh*
10. Alias