I'm sorry I have feelings. Sorry I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. Sorry I'm not so good at making friends. Sorry I keep giving up things. Sorry I don't pay attention in class. Sorry I'm probably going to fail Russian. Sorry I crashed my car. Sorry I spend most of my time online. Sorry I have 2 friends that live up here. Sorry that most of my other ones are online. Sorry you have to worry about getting me places. Sorry I'm not motivated. Sorry I don' t know what to do. Sorry I'm afraid. Sorry I'm sad. Sorry I feel worthless sometimes. Sorry for needing glasses. Sorry for not trying. Sorry for not getting scholarships. Sorry for quitting ballet. Sorry for not doing theater this year. Sorry for not joining choir. I'm sorry I have feelings. I'm sorry.
I'm Sorry for being a pitiful human being.
Just...please stop. Please, please stop. I'm only so strong.
I'm not asking much.