Wednesday #5: Wrap-up

Oct 01, 2011 09:26

So that's it. The first full month of the new DC Comics universe has come and gone. Enjoy some semi-organized thoughts.

Comics are a serial medium. Much like a TV show, things can and will change from the pilot (first issue). Right now as I type, DC people are checking sales numbers and (to a lesser extant) reviews to see what works (sells). They will tell the editors what's working and what isn't, then the editors will start demanding changes of the creators. By the third or fourth issues we will have a better sense of what these books will be, that is, what DC thinks it can sell us. By the sixth we will see our first cancellations.

Also, individual comic issues are generally just parts of stories. To use the TV analogy, we just watched up to the first commercial break. It's possible that things are going to get much better for some of these books or much, much worse.

Basically, what I'm saying is change a constant in comics, even (probably, "especially") in this new world. Take my thoughts with a grain of salt because I'm going to change my mind a lot. Maybe.

Overall I'm impressed. This is the most excited about comics I've been in years. My favorite part is that a large number of comics featuring non-superhero leads like Grifter and Frankenstein: Agent of Shade are getting pushed along with the "traditional" capes. They retain some superhero book tropes, but they are also doing their own thing. Hopefully this fusion will attract new fans and re-energize old ones.

Where did these artists come from? I can't think of a single book I read that had bad art. Yes, there were some artists who drew like they were doing a porn book, but the art wasn't ugly. Good on DC, finding that much talent and getting everyone to press on time. So far. Let's if they they can keep it up.

What? Oh, I mentally blocked Liefeld. And Brett Booth. Then again, I didn't read anything by them so that's still a true statement.

If I only had $15 a month, I'd buy...
Action Comics: The first issue lived up to its name. Most action-packed issue of the reboot.
Animal Man: This reboot needs more families. Beyond that, it's a good story.
Batwoman: A new reader friendly continuation of an instant classic.
Demon Knights: Winner of my Blue Beetle:Comics Can Be Funny and Good prize.
Wonder Woman: Only Batwoman keeps it from being my favorite overall and only just barely.

Biggest surprise (in a good way)
I, Vampire: Twilight didn't have to be bad. There's a good story in immortal love and betrayal.

Biggest surprise (in a bad way)
Voodoo: I thought this was going to be "young woman discovers powers and must figure out whether to use them for good or evil." Instead it's "alien masquerading as a young woman will do anything to keep from getting caught." Fine, there's a story there. Why dedicate the first half of her story to pointless T & A then? I wanted this to be a story that people attracted by I, Vampire could branch out to. It still could be in time, but right now it's (to steal someone else's line) the book your mother thinks of when she thinks of comics.

We can do better.

comics wednesday, comics

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