If you check out the "Bio" section of my
lj user profile, you'll see that I actually have stuff written there. It only took me three plus years. You'll notice that I haven't added much stuff about me. That's for two reasons. For one, a good deal of me is in this journal in addition to my Twitter and MySpace, which I have provided links to. The other reason is I suck that filling out stuff like that. I always feel like I sound like "Durr, I like Pokémon and boobs." Actually, that was my OkCupid bio for awhile. Surprisingly effective.
I have added a widget which makes my
journal searchable, though it isn't that effective. Still, it is more effective that Google, so it has that going for it.
I also made parsing my
deepest material wants and desires easier by linking my "gimme gimme gimme" tagged posts and my Amazon.com wishlit. Incidentally, that photographer I was talking about like a year or so ago (lj seek isn't helping), Jordan Matter? She published those
gorgeous photos of women in New York City sans shirts. A bit pricey, but so worth it.